If you have any questions or concerns, always feel free to contact on of the chair persons (@selina, @peacock, @ainamori, @yoshida@nishimotz), your team leader or @jonas (English preferred).
Chair: @selina
Vice-chair: @peacock & @ainamori
Supervisor: @yoshida
The @english team
As an English speaker, you will likely be added to the @english team on Slack. This team can be used by other volunteers to request translations or proof reading of English materials such as blog posts, tweets, printed materials, etc. To prevent multiple people to work on the same translation, please indicate in the Slack thread that you’re working on it and please make sure your read the English Communication Style Guide and Guidelines.
About JIRA
The main task list: https://pyconjp.atlassian.net/jira/software/c/projects/USA/issues
Task types:
Epic: The highest abstraction of tickets. This type of ticket should generally only be created by chair persons.
Story: Splits an Epic into smaller parts
Task: Small task that should be possible to complete in one go
Sub-task: Used to split a Story or Task into smaller units
Task statuses/progress:
Open: Status after creating a task. When creating a task make sure to set a due date and select a component.
In Progress: Set to this status if someone is working on this task. Make sure it is assigned to the correct person.
Closed: After confirming a task is complete, the reporter should close the task.
External Communication
Make sure your read the English Communication Style Guide and Guidelines
When communicating outside the PyCon APAC 2023 organizing team, identify yourself as “XYZ from PyCon APAC 2023” or “XYZ from the PyCon APAC 2023 ABC team”.
Using Email
If you using email to reply or contact, please include sender(ex: pyconjp@pycon.jp
) to CC address.
This is because mail received in a shared account flows to the #email-
prefix channel.